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CGI MailTo


This examples demonstrate how to send mail from a response form on your website using the CGI MailTo.


MAILTO will allow you to create your own form and have the results formatted and sent to your mail address. You can specify the Subject of the mail, the URL of the confirmation page or Text for the confirmation, the Sort Order, a Header, a Footer and the From address (so that the mail will be sent from the users email address - allowing you can reply to it easily). 


MailTo Form

<title>MailTo Example</title>
<body> <p><b>MailTo Example</b></p> <form method="POST" action="/sgi-bin/mailer.asp"> <p>Please enter your name and email address below and press send.</p> <table border="0"> <tr> <td>Name:</td> <td><input type="text" name="Name" size="20"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Email:</td> <td><input type="text" name="Email" size="20"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Company:</td> <td><input type="text" name="Company" size="20"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Subject:</td> <td><input type="text" name="Subject" size="20"></td> </tr> </table> <p><input type="submit" name="m_Send" value="Send" ></p>
</body> </html>

This Looks Like

Please enter your name and email address below and press send.



When the user presses the SEND button, the information is sent to the mail processor which will read the form details and format a message which looks something like:
Date:    22/06/2001
Time: 13:22:28
Name: A N Other
Subject: The Quick Brown Fox
Email: someone@company.com
Company: Company XYZ

The Fields

This is a list of fields that the MAILTO will automatically use. All other fields will be decoded and placed into the mail message.
  • m_from / email The email address of the person filling out the form. The contents of this field will also be placed into the From: field of the mail message. When you receive this message, you will be able to type "Reply" and reply to the person who filled the form. m_from takes precedence over email.
  • m_subject The subject of the mail message.
  • m_url The URL of the next/confirmation page to display (i.e. "/confirm.htm" ).
  • m_text Text to be displayed as the Thank you message, which can be HTML formatted. m_url takes precedence over m_txt.
  • m_sortorder A comma separated list of Field names in the order that you wish them to appear in the sent email. Note: Date and Time are always the first two.
  • m_header Text to be placed at the top of the mail message.
  • m_footer Text to be placed at the bottom of the mail message.

M_ Field Examples

<input type="hidden" name="m_From" value="forms@mydomain.dom">
<input type="hidden" name="m_Subject" value="My Form Results">
<input type="hidden" name="m_SortOrder" value="Name,Subject,Email"> <input type="hidden" name="m_URL" value="/Confirm.htm"> <input type="hidden" name="m_Text" value="Thank you<br>Goodbye"> <input type="hidden" name="m_Header" value="-- My Header --"> <input type="hidden" name="m_Footer" value="-- My Footer --">

All m_ fields are optional, and will not be included in the sent email message.

If neither m_url nor m_text are set, you will see a default "Thank you" message.

The messages will be sent to a default address of: formail@<YourDomain.dom> unless reconfigured via the TTotal Control Panel.




mailto.txt The MailTo Form example in a text file



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